Selasa, Mei 22, 2007


Muka ceria datang dari badan yang cergas...

Menanam bunga antara aktiviti sihat...

MALAYSIA CERGAS adalah satu idea dan konsep yang lahir untuk memberi penekanan kepada usaha meluaskan axkegiatan c sukan dan rekreasi fizikal kepada penglibatan seberapa ramai rakyat Malaysia.Ia merupakan satu usaha mewujudkan kecergasan Nasional yang berteraskan kepada penyertaan aktif, kecergasan yang berterusan dan sikap positif dalam hidup.
Antara lain MALAYSIA CERGAS adalah juga:
Satu seruan ke arah hidup yang lebih aktif, lebih selesa dan lebih tinggi mutunya.
Satu idea yang mempunyai kemungkinan memberi jawapan kepada beberapa masalah sosial.
Satu tema, satu slogan dan satu lambang kepada kehidupan yang sihat.
Satu dinamisma dalam kepimpinan.
Satu proses pendidikan seumur hidup.
Satu keperluan yang disokong oleh kenyataan dan logik.

MALAYSIA CERGAS bertujuan menimbulkan KESEDARAN di kalangan masyarakat Malaysia - akan betapa pentingnya kesihatan yang boleh dipupuk melalui kegiatan fizikal dan rekresai.
Kesedaran akan menimbulkan MINAT. Minat untuk mengetahui tentang jenis-jenis sukan dan kegiatan yang hendak disertai, supaya penyertaan manjadi lebig teratur dan berkekalan.
MALAYSIA CERGAS ingin MENDIDIK masyarakat mengenai sebab-sebab mustahaknya bersukan, tentang di mana dan bagaimana melakukan sesuatu kegiatan fizikal, tentang apa yang elok dilakukan , apa yang tidak bagi setengah golongan umur, tentang apa yangsesuai.
Lebih penting lagi, MALAYSIA CERGAS, menyeru mengajak tiap lapisan masyarakat supaya memberi respon dan MENYERTAI dalam kegiatan fizikal dan rekreasi. Penyertaan ini perlu dikekalkan dan dilakukan secara berterusan untuk menikmati kebaikan dan kebahagian melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan fizikal.

MALAYSIA CERGAS mengajak rakyat MALAYSIA keluar rumah – ke padang, ke taman, ke gelanggang, ke pusat sukan – untuk mengambil bahagian.
Ia ingin membentuk satu imej Nasional , ingin menjadikan masyarakat Malaysia suatau bangsa ‘peserta' bukan suatu bangsa ‘penonton' dalam kegiatan fizikal dan sukan.

Jumaat, Mei 04, 2007


Manjung - Pada malam rencana ini ditulis Mr Koordinator telah melibatkan diri dengan Ops Lebah Tualang dengan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat Seri Manjung dan pihak pengurusan Bangunan Pentadbiran Persekutuan. Lebah tersebut telah bersarang betul-betul dihujung bilik PBSD Manjung. Saat ini pakcik-pakcik jaga yang on duty pada malam ini sedang merebut-rebut manisan madu lebah yang diperolehi. Menurut khasiat orang-orang tua manisan lebah tualang sangat mujarab bagi kesihatan lelaki.


TARIKH : 4-7 MEI 2007



Stesen Janakuasa Sultan Azlan Shah is the first Malaysian power plant to run on clean coal technology- 'Technology in Harmony with Nature' tagline affirms national power utility company’s commitment towards environmentally sustainable power development - New station able to generate total power capacity of 2100 MW on three Alstom-supplied 700MW machinesTenaga Nasional Berhad celebrated an important milestone today with the officiating ceremony of its newest and most modern power station by the Sultan of Perak, DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Azlan Shah. With the royal seal of approval by the reining Sultan of Perak, the power station, which was formerly known as Stesen Janakuasa Manjung has since taken on the official name of Stesen Janakuasa Sultan Azlan Shah (SJSAS) . The 2100 MW clean coal-fired power plant was built by TNB Janamanjung Sdn Bhd (TNBJ), a wholly owned subsidiary of TNB, by adopting approaches used by the local independent power producers (IPP). The plant sits on the reclaimed island of Teluk Penchalang, 10 km south of Lumut.In his address to the guests present at the officiating ceremony, Tan Sri Datuk Amar Leo Moggie, TNB Chairman said, 'TNB is committed to its entrusted responsibilities and promises to continue placing on its priorities, the building and maintainence of the right infrastructure in our efforts to provide service excellence to over 6.8 million TNB customers. Service excellence continues to be TNB's main agenda.' Tan Sri Datuk Amar also emphasized on the role played by SJSAS as a coal fired power plant that is built with the environment in mind. 'Because it utilizes the most current and suitable technology in coal-firing, the operations and maintenance of this plant can continue without having any detrimental effects on the environment,' he said. Also present at the historical event was TNB President Dato' Sri Che Khalib Mohamad Noh and Minister of Energy, Water and Communications Dato' Sri Dr Lim Keng Yaik, Representing the Perak Chief Minister was state ex-co Datuk Ramli Zahari. SJSAS was first commissioned in 1996, and was originally estimated to cost RM 7 billion to build. When completed in 2003, total cost for construction and completion amounted to RM5.4 billion, marking a significant savings of RM1.6 billion for TNB. The construction of SJSAS has been instrumental in the generation of over 6000 job opportunities for both construction workers and power station employees alike. The 2100 MW total generating capacity of SJSAS is made possible by three units of 700 MW machines supplied by French-based Alstom. Each unit comprises a steam generating boiler, a tandem triple-pressure steam turbine with condensers, and generator and other ancillary equipment which incorporates a high degree of automation and safety protection. Fully operational since September 2003, the power plant is linked directly to the Department of Environment, enabling its emission levels to be monitored in real time. The engineering systems employed by SJSAS have been designed to meet World Bank emission standards and the detailed Environmental Impact Assessment. All these, among other efforts have led to SJSAS being certified as MS ISO 9001:2000 and MS ISO 14000 compliant on 26 May 2006. Indeed, SJSAS's tagline 'Technology in Harmony with Nature' represents its owners' commitment towards environmentally sustainable development.